“So bad, the number of inaccurate things the "special ops" team did were countless. Definitely made for military-wannabes and/or people with no combat experience or training.
I had to turned it off at the point where the high-speed dude, in the sewer water, was wearing chucks on the missio” read more
“There are only 3 categories you need to make a Sword & Sorcery film:
Swords/fighting:ย -- The fighting was bad, people jumped, got bopped on the heads, and thrown... all poorly done.ย - Fair amount of blood, but again, it was so badly done that I wondered why have it at all.
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A watch once movie that did everything well.
“There are only 3 categories you need to make a Sword & Sorcery film:
Swords/fighting:ย +- The fighting was adequate, was sad to see that the powerful sword that could cut through anvils wasn't slicing people in half :(
ย Found it interesting no one threw any rocks or had sli” read more
The two who are one really bad movie
“There are only 3 categories you need to make a Sword & Sorcery film:
Swords/fighting:ย - Not much fighting
ย - Horrible sword fighting, absolutely trash.
Muscles/boobs:ย - The barbarian was not muscled up, not funny, and was too scrawny to be a barbarian.
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“There are only 3 categories you need to make a Sword & Sorcery film:
Swords/fighting:ย - Sets and swords were cheap looking. In fact the swords were wooden and painted grey.
ย - Horrible sword fighting, absolutely trash. The fight between the hero and villain at the end was a” read more